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Bosch Rexroth Cetop 5 Directional Spool Valves

Bosch Rexroth Directional Spool Valves, direct operated, with solenoid actuation WE. The Bosch Rexroth Valve type WE is a direct operated, directional spool valve with solenoid actuation. It controls start, stop and direction of the flow. Bosch Rexroth Directional Spool Valves connect or isolate the connections by moving a control spool within a housing bore.

 bosch rexroth cetop valve

Neilson Hydraulics supplies the following Bosch Rexroth CETOP 5 Directional Spool Valves:


Size 10:

  • Component Series 5X
  • Maximum operating pressure 350 bar
  • Maximum flow 150 I/min


Key features of the Bosch Rexroth CETOP 5 Directional Spool Valve (direct operated with solenoid actuation WE) include:

  • 4/3-, 4/2- or 3/2-way version
  • High-power solenoid
  • Porting pattern according to ISO 4401
  • Wet-pin DC Solenoids with detachable coil
  • The coil can be changed without having to open the pressure-tight chamber
  • Central connection possible via doubling mating connector




To enquire about the Bosch Rexroth CETOP 5 Valves, please contact Neilson Hydraulics on 01709 821 002, email: sales@neilson-hydraulics.co.uk or visit: https://www.neilson-hydraulics.co.uk/


Neilson Hydraulics is a Bosch Rexroth UK Sales Partner. Neilson Hydraulics supplies Bosch Rexroth CETOP 3 & 5 Directional Valves, Bosch Rexroth ZDB Pressure Relief Valves, Bosch Rexroth ZDR Pressure Reducing Valves, Bosch Rexroth Check Valves, Bosch Rexroth A10VSO Axial Piston Pumps, Bosch Rexroth PV7 Vane Pumps, Bosch Rexroth Filters & Elements, Bosch Rexroth Diaphragm-Type  Accumulators HAD, Bosch Rexroth Bladder-Type Accumulators HAB, Bosch Rexroth Cylinders, Bosch Rexroth Electronics, Bosch Hydraulic Accessories (Bosch Rexroth Hirschman Plugs, Rectifier Plugs & Coils) and Bosch Rexroth CytroPac Small Power Units.